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Getting Smart Podcast

Nov 21, 2018

Today, and for the next three weeks, the Getting Smart team is going to explore a new initiative from Education Reimagined.


Education Reimagined recently released a paper entitled, “School’s Out,” which set out to explore how we could alter our perspective on the meaning, feel, and delivery of learning. Tom had the opportunity to sit down with the education leaders who authored “School’s Out,” and over the next three episodes, he will be digging deeper into what the future of learning may look like for students. This is part two out of three. For the first episode in the series, take a listen to: Schools Out: Engaging Families and the Community,” with Amy Anderson and Scott Van Beck.


In today’s episode, Tom interviews Nate McClennen, Vice President for Education and Innovation at Teton Science Schools; and IT Consultant, Oscar Brinson. Nate and Tom discuss anywhere, anytime learning; the community as a classroom; the differences between learning and school; and the importance of guidance of advisory for learners. In Tom and Oscar’s conversation; they explore how education keeps up with the technological advances; the role A.I. and automation will play in the future of learning and work; and what he sees as technology’s role, along with the role of advisory and guidance relationships.


Key Takeaways:

[:16] A recap on last week’s episode (and the first part of this series.)

[1:05] About today’s episode.

[1:25] Tom welcomes Nate to the podcast, and Nate gives a bit of background on how his childhood has helped inform how he thinks about place-based education now.

[2:45] Nate and Tom discuss his School’s Out paper.

[4:17] Nate’s ideas on how we could reimagine learning and community.

[6:30] Nate’s thoughts on where and how we can test some of his ideas.

[9:28] The importance of guidance through a ‘learning coach’ in anywhere, anytime learning.

[10:20] The challenge around equity and scale when making sure every student has access to a great learning coach.

[13:15] The changing role of teachers.

[14:45] The differences between learning and school, and how learning could be introduced through the community rather than school.

[17:22] Nate shares some final thoughts on the evolution of learning.

[19:23] About Oscar Brinson, Tom’s next guest.

[19:49] Does Oscar anticipate something that looks like schools or community facilities where students and adult mentors would meet on a regular basis?

[21:23] The caveat: the custodial aspect of school being crucial as long as parents have to go to work.

[23:46] A potential A.I. system solution to the important custodial aspect of school, and the other ways technology and A.I. will help progress and change how learning is done.


Mentioned in This Episode:

Previous episode: Episode 174 — “Schools Out: Engaging Families and the Community

Education Reimagined

ReSchool Colorado

Teton Science Schools

Schools Out: What if Schools, As We Know Them, Didnt Exist?”

Schools Out: What if School Didnt Exist?”

Schools Out: How a No School Society is One of Many Learner-Centered Possibilities” (Nates paper)

Schools Out: Why Embracing Technology Will Only Expand Whats Possible” (Oscars paper)


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