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Getting Smart Podcast

May 22, 2024

On this episode of the Getting Smart Podcast, Shawnee Caruthers is joined by two of the leaders leaning into this space, Juan Jose Gonzalez, Managing Director of Pathways & Operations at Education Systems Center at Northern Illinois University (EdSystems) and Gina Schuyler, Department Chair of Career and Technical Education at Grayslake Central High School, a partner of EdSystems.

EdSystems is a part of the Accelerate ED initiative, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Accelerate ED is built on the idea that high schools can provide early access to quality higher education in ways that incorporate work-connected learning and have long-term benefits for students. This initiative helps state- and region-based groups plan and build accelerated pathways between K-12 education, postsecondary education, and careers.
