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Getting Smart Podcast

Apr 27, 2017

In this podcast, we hear from Michael Soguero, Director of Professional Development at Eagle Rock (a full-service not-for-profit educational reform organization offering professional development around the country), about Eagle Rock's strategy for leading high-quality learning experiences for teachers. Read more on our...

Apr 25, 2017

Jennie Taranovich shares more about her success teaching language learning after shifting to a personalized and competency-based classroom environment that helps individual students meet their respective academic goals.

Apr 20, 2017

Ken Kay, CEO of EdLeader21, shares more about the Profile of a Graduate campaign they created to help educators, students and parents envision the essential competencies for a successful graduate in their community. The campaign site ( provides free tools and resources to support schools and...

Apr 19, 2017

Dr. Lisa Frumkes, Senior Director of Language Learning Products at Rosetta Stone, shares how learning a language at any age can be fruitful, providing opportunities for life and career experiences that you never imagined. This podcast series is sponsored by Rosetta Stone Education. The Rosetta Stone® Language Learning...

Apr 14, 2017

Larry Rosenstock, Jeff Robins and Kaleb Rashad of High Tech High share musings about student projects, starting new schools, hiring teachers and why the city the school is located in is so important.