Dec 25, 2019
Today the Getting Smart team is bringing back a past episode of an interview they did with Dr. Pam Moran.
Last summer, Pam wrapped up 32 years with Albemarle County Public Schools. Starting as a science teacher and concluding with a dozen years as superintendent, Dr. Moran quietly became one of America’s...
Dec 18, 2019
Today, the Getting Smart team is bringing you an episode with an innovative leader and celebrated education disrupter for more than two decades, Julie Young! Julie is the CEO of ASU Prep Digital and Deputy Vice President of ASU Educational Outreach. Before leading ASU Prep Digital, Julie was the founding CEO...
Dec 11, 2019
This week, Tom is speaking with Terry Grier! Terry is known as America’s Superintendent coach and was a big district superintendent for over 20 years in four different states. He made Houston the best big urban district in the country. And as Tom says, has done more to develop educational talent than anyone in...
Dec 4, 2019
In today’s episode, Tom Vander Ark is joined by Rebecca Parks and Dr. William Nicely. Dr. Nicely is the Superintendent of Kearney School District and Rebecca is the leader of two schools within the district — Southview Elementary and LENS. Southview is a great K-5 school, serving 550 learners, and LENS (Learning and...
Nov 27, 2019
Today on the podcast, Tom Vander Ark is speaking with Dr. James Lane, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction at the Virginia Department of Education. Dr. Lane started his career in education serving as a band teacher, a school leader, and then System Head in two districts before finally ending up at the Virginia...