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Getting Smart Podcast

Sep 26, 2016

Eric Westendorf, CEO of LearnZillion, shares how the instructional math videos he created as a principal turned into today's company over the past five years. With the help of a teacher Dream Team, LearnZillion connects and aligns curriculum, assessment and professional development for today's educator.

Sep 16, 2016

Solution Tree assessment experts Cassandra Erkens, Tom Schimmer and Nicole Dimich Vagle chat about the new Solution Tree Assessment Center, a resource designed to help educators boost hope, efficacy and achievement for students.

Sep 9, 2016

Rob Waldron, CEO of Curriculum Associates (CA), has a unique employment position: when hired, he agreed to sign a 20-year contract. The results of this arrangement have been immensely beneficial for both sides, and Rob shares more with us on this unique story and the leadership lessons he has learned along the way.

Sep 1, 2016

Mark Milliron, CEO of Civitas Learning, discusses how degrees still matter, the state of the current higher ed landscape and how colleges and universities are using data to improve learning, persistence and degree choices.