Nov 20, 2019
Today’s topic is all about trends!
Tom is flying solo this episode to outline 20 global trends that learning leaders need to consider. These trends are impacting not only elementary and secondary but higher education as well!
This podcast summarizes a blog series Tom wrote in August in September (linked below) — so be sure to check out the blog series after you’re done listening to today’s episode!
Buckle up and get ready for 20 trends in (approximately) 20 minutes!
Key Takeaways:
[:14] About today’s episode!
[1:06] Tom starts by highlighting four mega-trends that everybody should be considering: new goals, active learning strategies, competency-based progressions, and integrated services boosting learner success!
[6:28] Tom highlights four emerging trends: contribution, immersive learning, success skills, and guidance.
[12:20] Four trends influencing education: inclusion and equity, lifelong learning, quantified life, and mindfulness.
[15:51] Four future trends: responsiveness, becoming lean, the social economy, and growth communities.
[19:55] Tom speaks about the last important trend category: the climate crisis.
[25:06] Tom closes out the podcast and asks school leaders, system heads, and learners to get started on taking action with these trends!
Mentioned in This Episode:
“Four Emerging Trends in Learning,” by Tom Vander Ark
“Four Trends Influencing Education,” by Tom Vander Ark
“What’s Next in Learning? Four Future Trends,” by Tom Vander Ark
The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization, by Peter M. Senge
What School Could Be: Insights and Inspiration from Teachers Across America, by Ted Dintersmith
Getting Smart Podcast Episode 229: “Eric Williams on Empowering Students to Make a Contribution”
What is Place-Based Education and Why Does it Matter?, by Getting Smart and Teton Science Schools
Big Picture Learning — ImBlaze App
EL Education — Purposes of Crew
Cajon Valley Union School District
Carlos Moreno of Big Picture Learning
Age of Agility (Presented by America Succeeds)
The Uninhabitable Earth: A Story of the Future, by David Wallace-Wells
For More Learning Trends, Listen to:
Getting Smart Episode 223: “Pavel Luksha on Educating for Purpose, Potential, and the Planet” and Episode 225: “Katherine Prince on Navigating the Future of Learning”
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